About this blog

I am studying in Hong Kong for fourteen months, and will blog here about my adventures.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

China Survival: Part 1

I figured I'd start a list of interesting Chinese myths, facts, and superstitions that you should know of if you ever decide to come here.

1. Chinese people believe eight is a lucky number since it sounds like the word for wealth. If you meet someone whose phone number has a lot of eights in it, it's a sign they're very wealthy.

2. Four is an unlucky number since it sounds like the word for death.

3. Guys shouldn't wear green hats. It means your girlfriend/wife cheated on you. If you're selling hats in China, make sure they aren't green.

4. If someone calls you a 250 (pronounced er-bai-wu) they're insulting you. It basically means stupid.

5. While it is polite to refer to a woman by her last name followed by Xiaojie, never call a woman just xiaojie since in that context it's an insult.

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