About this blog

I am studying in Hong Kong for fourteen months, and will blog here about my adventures.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My dorm

I realized that I haven't posted any pictures of my dorm, so I figured that I would. As you can see, the mattress is rather thin. It's about as wide as three fingers. Also you can see there's a fan on the roof. Here you have to pay to use the AC, but luckily we're getting free AC for now. The backup plan is the fan on the roof.

Other than that the room is pretty much identical to any dorm you'd see in the States. I know my desk is messy, but I haven't really gotten it organized yet. At least I unpacked my suitcases so that they aren't in the middle of the room anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Cameron,
    Eggplant? What happened to the chicken fingers and fries? Is there a Mickie D's nearby?Just kidding, I'm glad you are enjoying your stay so far.
    Thanks for the pictures you are posting. They are wonderful. I can just picture how everything is.
    I hope you have a good weekend. I'll look forward to reading the blog again soon.
    Love, Grandmother Diane
