About this blog

I am studying in Hong Kong for fourteen months, and will blog here about my adventures.

Friday, June 4, 2010

My first day

After 20 hours in the air and 9 hours waiting in airports, I finally made it to Hong Kong. Unfortunately, it's very foggy and humid so I wasn't able to take any good photos. Today we took a tour of the campus, met with the people at the language center, and were rewarded with a surprise test to see how much Mandarin we knew.

Hopefully the weather improves tomorrow so I can take some decent photos.


  1. Hi Cameron,
    I'm so glad you finally got there safely, after so much time spent in the airport. I hope you are beginning to feel rested after such a long flight.
    I'll keep on reading your blog with interest. Please keep letting us know what things are like there.
    Love, Grandmother Diane

  2. Dear Cameron
    I was so excited to see your blog today. It was great to hear about your first day adventures. Keep us posted.
    Love, Mom
